Archive for the Past Events Category

September 19 – Walk and Sing with Little Amal

September 19 – Walk and Sing with Little Amal

Little Amal is known for bringing communities together as she travels alone through unfamiliar territories. Her visit in Washington will include multiple welcome events with a variety of local partners, with a central visit to the Capitol on September 19, organized and produced by The Lab. Artists and supporters in D.C. will welcome her with music and ritual, sending her with their messages of hope to carry to the Capitol, where a bipartisan group of legislators will be invited to greet Amal. Everyone is invited to attend and to participate in her walk to the Capitol. 

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July 15 – Jubilee Voices at Fort Stevens

Join the Washington Revels Jubilee Voices, the Alliance to Preserve the Civil War Defenses of Washington and the National Park Service at Fort Stevens on Saturday, July 15 (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.), to celebrate the music of the Civil War, and to learn more about the Battle of Fort Stevens, which was fought July 11-12, 1864, in what is now Northwest Washington, D.C.

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June 19 – Celebrate Juneteenth with Jubilee Voices in Alexandria

June 19 – Celebrate Juneteenth with Jubilee Voices in Alexandria

Join Washington Revels Jubilee Voices and the Office of Historic Alexandria for a concert, “Singing the Journey: Juneteenth Joy.” Jubilee Voices will perform a lively, interactive performance featuring traditional music and spoken word that traces the history of African Americans from enslavement to the Civil Rights Movement.

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May 17 – Maritime Voices at Friendship Heights

A concert at the Friendship Heights Village Center! For their eighth performance at FHVC, the men and women of the Washington Revels Maritime Voices will present “American Songs of the Sea and Shore,” featuring homegrown music of American sailors and the women who sustained seafaring communities. The program

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