Washington Revels – Carpe Diem Monthly Community Sing
February Theme: Freedom, Love & Giving
Join us to sing in Celebration of Valentine’s Day and Black History Month, plus enjoy two fun and easy ways to do some creative giving! We will sing songs to expand and inspire your soul and your smile, and we will all help to bring some joy to others in need.
While you’re with us to sing, here’s two easy ways to bring some love and to do some giving! February 21 is Card Reading Day — consider bringing a greeting card with you (bought or made, and addressed to “dear friend”) to brighten someone’s day. (Cards will be donated to elderly patients at The Woodside Center in Silver Spring.) February is also National Canned Food Month — consider bringing some canned food to help feed others. (Food will be donated to Manna Food Center in Montgomery County.)
6:30 — Songs for All Generations
7:30 — Social and Celebration of February Birthdays
8:00 — Rounds, Harmonies & Music Making
Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments and songs to share.
Sign up in advance to lead a song by contacting Jo Rasi (jrasi@revelsdc.org or 301-587-3835). Or just show up to sing (or even just to listen)!
We gather on the 21st of every month– join us on Monday, March 21 for another great Sing.
The February Sing is co-sponsored by Carpe Diem Arts (www.CarpeDiemArts.org).
TICKETS: Free (donations gratefully appreciated)
LOCATION: Washington Revels Studio Space, 531 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland <Map, Directions and Parking>