July: Songs from Around the World & National Ice Cream Month
Sing about ice cream, foods, and summertime — with songs from all around the world– and enjoy handcrafted ice cream from our sponsor, Moorenkos Ice Cream.
This month we will celebrate by singing about ice cream (and lesser foods) and by sharing songs from across the globe. We sing adult, kid and family songs, and sometimes even a dance or two. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments and songs to share.
Sign up in advance to lead a song by contacting Jo Rasi (jrasi@revelsdc.org or 301-587-3835). Or just show up to sing (or even just to listen)!
- 6:30-7:00pm – Songs for Families
- 7:00-8:00 – Songs for all ages
- 8:00-8:30 – Songs, Snacks & Celebration for July Birthdays
We gather on the 21st of every month– join us on Friday, August 21 for more songs, community and refreshments.
The July Sing is sponsored by Moorkenos Ice Cream, and as always is co-sponsored by Carpe Diem (www.CarpeDiemArts.org).
TICKETS: Free (donations welcome)
LOCATION: Washington Revels Studio Space, 531 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland <Map, Directions and Parking>