April 21 – Washington Revels / Carpe Diem Community Sing

Community Sing

April Theme: One Planet / One Future: Songs for the Earth (eve of Earth Day)

On the 21st of every month we gather to share songs, community and refreshments – and sometimes even a dance or two! We sing adult, kid and family songs. All are welcome to bring refreshments and songs to share.  Sign up in advance to lead a song by contacting Jo Rasi (jrasi@revelsdc.org or 301-587-3835). Or just show up to sing (or even just to listen)!


  • 6:30-7:45pm – Community Sing — all ages welcome!
  • 7:45-8:00pm – Social Time & Celebration of January Birthdays with fresh fruit, cake, and candles
  • 8:00-8:30pm – Music Jam session—BYO ukeleles, guitars, etc

Future sings are held on the 21st of each month at Washington Revels. Co-sponsored by Carpe Diem (www.CarpeDiemArts.org).

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 6:30 pm
TICKETS: Free (donations welcome)
LOCATION: Washington Revels Studio Space, 531 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland <Map, Directions and Parking>