June 14 – Silver Spring Contra Dance

Contra Dancers

Featuring Slow Down Tommy (Marty Frye, Anders Fahey, Jonathan Een Newton and David McKindley-Ward) with caller Janine Smith!


Due to early voting in the Great Hall, June’s dance will take place in the Spring Room. Anyone wearing an “I VOTED” sticker will get FREE admission!

On the second Thursday of every month, enjoy the fun as well as the mental and physical health benefits of dancing with others! Are you yearning for more community engagement? More joy? More cultural activities? More exercise? We’ve got it all covered in one stop — come along and dance! (And then join us on the 21st of each month to sing too.)

No experience required: each session starts at 7:00 pm with a 30-minute lesson, and then dances are “called” from 7:30-10 (this means the steps are called out loud so you can follow along). All levels of experience are welcome.

The Contra Dances are presented by Carpe Diem Arts in partnership with the Folklore Society of Greater Washington and Washington Revels, with support from BE ACTIVE: Montgomery County Department of Recreation.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 14, 2018, 7-10 pm
TICKETS: Free to first-timers! $10 general; $8 FSGW, BFMS, CDSS members & Washington Revels; $5 students and those without income
LOCATION: Great Hall, Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Plaza, Silver Spring, MD 20910 <view map> (free parking across the street at 801 Ellsworth Dr. <view map>)
WEBSITE: CarpeDiemArts.org/dance-with-us and facebook.com/SSContraDance