On July 4 we march in the historic Takoma Park Independence Day Parade and on Labor Day we march in the Kensington Labor Day Parade.
Our joyous and robust band of revelers — adults, teens, and children — are a colorful and lively musical section of these parades. We are always joined by the Hobby Horse, our intrepid Fool, and 50-or-so Revelers bedecked with garlands and flower crowns and waving bright banners and ribbon sticks. Those who play an instrument that can be easily carried join in the band. Together, we wow the crowds with favorite Revels tunes and dances.
Parade News & Press!
- CultureSpotMC, “Montgomery County Offers Wealth of Fun Labor Day Weekend Events,” August 2018
- NBC4 Washington, “Syrian Refugees March in Fourth of July Parade in Takoma Park,” July 2018
- Press Release, “Washington Revels Partners with RefAmerica to Welcome Syrian Refugees on July 4,” June 2018
- Takoma Voice, “Syrian Refugees Revel in Takoma Park’s Parade,” July 2017