Workshop Policies

In order to offer the highest quality program, children must be in the appropriate grade (or equivalent, if homeschooled) at the start of the workshop.

The registration deadline is exactly one week prior to the start of the workshop. Confirmation of registration will be sent via email (a valid email address is required at the time of registration).

Payment in full is required at the time of registration. Checks (payable to Washington Revels), Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are accepted. There is a $25 charge for returned checks.

More than 7 days prior to first session – full refund (minus $20 administrative fee)
Within 7 days prior to first session – 50% refund
After date of first session – no refund available

Washington Revels will cancel any workshop not meeting minimum enrollment requirements and will refund tuition in full. If individual sessions are cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, such as weather, efforts will be made to reschedule, if possible, but no refunds will be issued.

Revels workshops build a community among participants, and skills build as the session progresses, so weekly attendance is very important. If you know in advance that your child must be absent, please inform your teaching artist the week prior by emailing (or at the time of registration). If an absence is unexpected, please notify the Education Assistant as soon as possible by email or phone. Make-up sessions are not offered if a child is unable to attend a session. No credits or refunds can be given for missed sessions.

Classes will start and end on time, so please schedule your arrival to allow your child sufficient time to be settled and prepared to participate. Please do not drop off students more than 15 minutes early unless you have paid for Before Care services. Teachers and assistants will be leaving the building by 5:45 PM, so students must be picked up on time.

Be considerate of others in your child’s workshop. Do not bring your child if he or she is “coming down with something.” Children who are not feeling well are not able to participate effectively. Please notify the Education Assistant as soon as possible if the student will be absent.

Preparation for Workshops
Please make sure your child dresses in comfortable clothing to allow easy movement. Hair should be tied up away from the face. You are encouraged to provide your child with a healthy snack (please: no sugar!) prior to the start of the workshop; food will not be permitted in the room.

We recommend that your child have a snack to eat before their workshop each week, in order to sustain their energy during throughout the 90-minute class . If your child comes to the Revels Office directly after school to participate in Before Care, please pack them a snack in the morning as there will be no chance to pick up a snack between school and the office. However, we ask that you NOT provide them with sugary snacks – eating sugar before the class increases the likelihood of disruptive behavior, which can spread to other kids and threaten the productivity of the entire class. For this reason, children with sugary snacks will not be allowed to eat their snack before the workshop begins. Healthy snack ideas can be found on the parent website:

Behavior Standards
A significant component of each workshop is the creative community formed among participants. Our goal is to nurture responsible, independent, empathetic individuals. We ask that, while participating in Revels programs, families treat all people with grace and courtesy; honor differences; practice equality, social justice, and stewardship of the environment; and respect the privacy of adults and children – refrain from passing along information that might be hurtful to someone or is not intended as public knowledge.

Class Behavior Guidelines
The cornerstones for defining socially appropriate behavior are health, safety, and respect for self, others and property. Unacceptable behaviors (as determined by the instructor) include but are not limited to: excessive pushing and hitting, biting, running away from the group and instructor, and/or impulsive behavior that endangers the safety of self or others. If your child’s behavior compromises the safety or enjoyment of the other children in the workshop, the child will be asked to leave the room and sit in the Program Manager’s office for a period of time, following which they will be asked to rejoin the group. If a child is dismissed more than once from a class we will contact you and ask that you pick up your child as soon as possible. If their behavior persists we will consult with you on whether it is appropriate for your child to continue. In extreme cases we will ask that your child not return to Washington Revels and will refund the remainder of your session cost. Parents will be billed for any property damage due to socially inappropriate behavior on the part of their child.

Physical or abusive verbal discipline may not be used by anyone at any time on the Washington Revels premises or grounds. Sexual abuse/assault is illegal and will not be tolerated. Allegations of abuse or assault will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with appropriately. This applies to all employees, subcontractors, volunteers, parents and students.

Professional Integrity / Non-Discrimination
Washington Revels does not practice or tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, personal appearance, family status or responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, or place of residence or business. Allegations of discrimination will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with appropriately. This applies to all employees, subcontractors, volunteers, parents and students.

Parent-Teacher Communication
Because the teaching artists are concentrating on the children, it is difficult for teaching artists to confer with parents at arrival and dismissal times. If you would like to speak with your child’s teaching artist, please e-mail, specify which teacher, and the teaching artist will get back to you within 24 hours.

Valuable items should not be brought to the workshop. Please leave toys and other personal objects at home or in the car. Washington Revels will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Items found will be placed in the lost-and-found cubby. Articles left in the lost-and-found cubby will be donated at the end of every session to a local charity.

Parents, Siblings, and Visitors
Workshops are for children, without adult participation or observation, which inevitably changes the dynamic of the class. If you (or anyone else accompanying the participant) would like to remain in the Revels building, we ask that you wait in the designated areas during the session to avoid disruption. For the final “sharing” session of each workshop, family and friends are eagerly welcomed and encouraged to participate. If a family member will be unable to attend the final session and would like to sit in on the last rehearsal instead, you should email at least one week before that class. Please note that a request to sit in on a class is not guaranteed and is approved only at the discretion of the teaching artist.

Inclement Weather Policy
Washington Revels generally follows Montgomery County Public Schools for closings due to weather conditions. If Revels is closed, there will be a message on the answering machine – 301-587-3835 – stating that we are closed. You will also receive an email from the office if class is cancelled. If class is not cancelled but conditions are difficult, you are the best judge of driving conditions in your neighborhood and the safety of your street during dangerous weather conditions; please use your best judgment as to whether to come or not.

Emergency Situations
In case of an emergency (a fire, for example), your child will be walked to a safe location where he or she can be picked up. If you are unable to pick up your child during a crisis or emergency, your child will be cared for until you can be reunited. Please provide an alternate emergency contact on the registration form.

Photography and Videography
Washington Revels will hold all copyright and be the sole owner of all recordings, photographs or other images that are taken during the workshop for any purpose (including but not limited to website and promotional use) other than public sale of such recordings and documents. You will be required to sign a publicity waiver at the time of registration. When using any images involving children, for any purpose, names will not be used without first obtaining written permission from the child’s parents or guardians.

Release Agreement
Although every effort is made to provide a safe environment, there is always a risk of accident. Participants are expected to carry their own accident and medical insurance. You will be required to sign a waiver of liability and indemnity form at the time of registration.

[updated 03/21/2014]