Washington Revels is thrilled to be contributing to the fifth year of Daily Antidote of Song with our longtime friends at Carpe Diem Arts and new partner organizations throughout the year! Stay tuned for announcements about our next “Washington Revels Week.”
The Daily Antidote of Song features song leaders from across the country and around the world. Join us each day, as we energize our day with the inspiration and connection of singing together.
Looking for the Daily Antidote of Song donation page? In Year 2, please direct DAS contributions to Carpe Diem Arts.
Featured in the Washington Post
“The incredible story of how 1,700 handwritten cards came from across the world for a group of D.C. hospital workers,” by Theresa Vargas (January 27, 2021).
[Jo] Rasi, who works for the Washington Revels and Carpe Diem Arts, both of which have long used music to bring people together, says she never expected the Daily Antidote to turn into what it has become. “We have a community of people who come into this room every day who have never met and who are all developing friendships now. At a time of division, it feels good to see people from across the country coming together.”
Over 100 Song Leaders — local, national and international!
Special themed weeks in the Daily Antidote of Song have included “Singing for Racial Justice” (August 16-31, and November 4-15); “Archive Challenge Week,” in partnership with the Library of Congress American Folklife Center, with guest hosts Steve Winick and Jennifer Cutting (September 13-19, and November 16-22); “Voting Songs Week” (October 28-November 3); and “Ubuntu Choirs Network Week,” in partnership with Ubuntu Choirs Network (October 18-24). Stay tuned for more exciting partnership weeks in 2021.